Customer Service

Do not hesitate to contact us whenever you want. We are at your disposal. Plastyagro® wants to facilitate and solve any type of doubt, query or other aspect of interest.



Polígono Industrial El Prado, c/ Palencia s/n Nave 13-A

Apdo. de correos nº 200

 06800. Mérida. Badajoz. España

Tel. +34 924 111 090 -- WhatsApp: +34 662 337 227  


GPS coordinates:  Longitude: 6º 23' 12 " W       Latitude: 38º 55' 29" N


Business Hours


Winter (From 1 October to 30 May)

Monday to Thursday: From 8h00-13h30 / 15h30-18h00 // Friday:  From 8h00-14h00


Summer (From 1 June to 30 September)

Monday to Friday: From 7h00-15h00